Test Run week 3

Finally got it working... thank the lord!

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Photos for the making of the set

These are just some photos that I took while painting and making the set. Some before I painted and made them and some once its finished. These pics now have captions and the ones that don't... I'm sure you'll figure them out. :)

This is the building set before it was painted.

The table/bed/cot before it was painted but while the sticky tape is holding it together.

Here's a painted building.

Here's the painting of a building.

The making and painting of the table/bed/cot.

The not-yet-painted room :)

The painted room.

Accidentally ripped the door when cutting... oh well :)

Open, Close, Open, Close...

The door, finally working.

The painted buildings

Painting the set.

The painted set... finally

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Photos of making design

Here is the semi evil, semi good guy:

I will upload more once my camera connects.

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In media at the moment we are creating a short film using any type of animation. Emma and I, have decided to work in pairs. The start of the film is when an abnormal child is born into a world where everything is rather grey and boring.

I'll upload some pics of the character soon.

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What was your initial reaction or major feeling to this animation?
When I first saw this music video I was surprised as music videos generally don't that much animation in them, and when they do it is less obvious.

What style has been used in this animation?
This clip had used the style of stop-motion animation.

Has the director used the elements and principles of design to create mood that effectively relates to the tone of the music? How?
Yes, the director has used elements that go with the music, as when it says heart a picture of a heart appears. The images not only fit the lyrics of the song but they also fit thereat of the music which draws viewers in.

List five moments that grabbed your attention:
-where the it went black with neon colours flowing through.
-when he was singing about the heart and it grew larger, then shrank smaller with the beat.
-when to the beat of the music the drum kit appeared and disappeared.

I couldn't find the link to the video so I just decided to post another cold play video up so here is Cold Play - Strawberry Swing

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