Scenes 1-2

These are the first two scenes, I filmed both of them. You can tell where they separate because there is a big black gap. The first scene is basically an intro, it is about how a miracle is about to affect the town and how the town is ruled by one man and how he is always watching making sure no-one disturbs the town. The second scene is set is a hospital, when a lady has a child... pretty normal right? Except that they live in a world of grey where everything is grey. And this child is creamy.
The mother looks at the child and faints.

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Progress so far...

Respond to each of the following points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.

  1. Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the planning.
    We lost the storyboard and so had to work on our planning that we had previously. We have thankfully found the storyboard again and now have kept it in the classroom. Another difficulty was that we are working in a pair and so sometimes had difficulty understanding what the other person was trying to describe.
  2. List the steps you took (or need to take) to improve in this area;
    We need to have more than one copy of everything, and we should try and communicate our ideas clearer.
  3. Discuss whether you planned your project effectively (did you do enough planning);
    I think we did quite a lot of planning but we could have done more, I think I will go back and change it because we have changed the story a bit.
  4. Discuss how the use of storyboards and shot-lists assisted throughout the filming process;
    The short lists helped us know what props we had to have for the scene. The storyboards helped us split up and do the scenes individually.
  5. Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the filming process. These may include; time-management and organisation problems, damage to your sets/props/characters, misjudging the amount of time required to animate.
    We had completely misjudged the time needed to build the sets and make the characters. Also unfortunately as the sets and characters were left in a classroom open to anyone it has been damaged and touched even when a sign is put up. We then had to spend time to make the characters again. Another problem was that when we didn't finish a scene in a lesson the camera would move and we wouldn't get it back in the right position when we try filming again.
  6. After reviewing progress so far, describe any aspects of your animation, which need to be addressed. i.e do you need to reshoot any scenes; are any additional shots required; are there any scenes which worked better than expected.
    We will need to reshoot a couple of scenes to make them smoother, we also need to take a couple more shots to make them longer so the audio fits with it.
Discuss your feelings about the production task:
  1. Are you satisfied with your result so far?
    Yes, I think we are working quite efficiently however we need to finish the scenes quickly so we have enough time to edit them.
  2. Would like to change any aspects of your film?
    Yes, maybe some of the scenes could have been shot with a smoother steadier hand.
  3. If you could start the project again what would you do differently
    I think instead of being in partners I would do it by myself, as then I would know exactly what I need to do and I would (hopefully) get it done in time. Not that working with Emma wasn't great or anything.
  4. List any skills, techniques or tricks you have discovered during the project.
    I have discovered that we should stick the scene we are filming to the desk so when we are moving the characters the actual scene wouldn't move.

Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like 8 weeks worth of work).

I don't think the information on my blog is enough for eight weeks but that is probably because animating takes a lot longer than I thought it would, I am now going to go back and add some pics and videos.

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