Scenes I've done

Here are some videos I have uploaded from the film:
This is the first one - I'm pretty sure I have already uploaded this but in case I didn't here it is.
Also I would like to mentioned I was the one who filmed this scene.
The clip is basically just a introductory it just 'sets the scene'.

This clip is a basic one and just shows Alisha growing up - it was done using my awesome photoshop skills...haha NOT!
I did this scene...obviously

In this scene Alisha asks her mum if she can go out... Her mum says no of course.
I also did this scene

This scene is just a copy basically of the one above...
And this one too...

This clip is the one where Alisha (The white girl) wants to go outside her bedroom but her mum doesn't let her for fear that she would be taunted and taken away... Also she doesn't want her own and her families reputation being tarnished.
And I did this one too..

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