Homework - 1 minute of Digitopia

Shot 1
I think that this might represent a type a god, and as there is an eye that is continuely looking I believe that is meant to represent how he/she/it is the see-er of all. How it can see all. The light around it represents how it is a symbol of light (almost like a halo). The 6 arms on it could represent the goddess Shiva which is sometimes portrayed with 6 arms.

Shot 2
I think this is maybe representing the earth awaking, as it has its eyes closed and no thoughts then its brain sort of turns on and sends out waves. This could represent mother earth sending out her wishes and dreams for others to follow and abide. The brain to me has a picture of a butterfly which could represent freedom, and show that in this utopia there is freedom.

Shot 3
When I first saw this I thought they looked like worms trying to get at food. As I saw it once again I realised that they could be like satellites receiving data and transmitting it for everyone to see.

Shot 4
I didn't really understand this shot, maybe they could be barriers trying to keep bits of the city apart because they are all connected?

Shot 5
I think the hand was a way of transport, or maybe it is a house that they live in, it just happens to be portable?

Shot 6
I think that the hands were trying to build something and the person was directing them. I don't think that the person was a 'person' though because her hand changed into a screw so maybe she is a machine.

Shot 7
The hands reminded me of flowers that follow the sun when they bloom; but it could represent something else such as sleeping bodies but when the sun rises they get up too?

Shot 8
These hands were showing a reading of the hands and how pushing certain points in the hand helps the organs.

Sorry that for each shot they are getting shorter, its getting a bit late at night :)

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