Appraising Animation - assignment

TASK : Watch excerpts from the work of Miwa Matreyek, Multimedia Artist.
Take notes on your blog and then write a 600 word appraisal of one of Matreyek's works.

Appraisal = Describe what you see and hear, Analyse the Media Language and Interpret the Meaning
Use correct sentence structure, grammar, spelling, referencing and bibliography.

1. Watch these sequences and select one to anaylse and interpret
&νβσπ; Digitropia
&νβσπ; Circus
&νβσπ; Factory
Embed your chosen piece into your blog
2. Focus Questions ~ answer these on your blog
&νβσπ; Identify the imagery by listing what you see eg the subject matter; objects, shapes etc
&νβσπ; What is your overall impression of the mood of the work
&νβσπ; Watch and Listen for visual language cues, sound cues and editting
3. Anaylsis - see
&νβσπ; Notice the visual language used by Matreyek's eg colour, line, the quality of the movement, shapes, use of scale etc - list what you identify - help site:   HERE  and for specific film language: MISE-EN-SCENE
&νβσπ; Notice the sounds - list these identifying their type and quality
4. Interpretation
&νβσπ; What is your interpretation of the work?
&νβσπ; Survey friends and family ~ what do they think the work is about?
&νβσπ; Who do you think is the intended audience for Matreyek's work?
&νβσπ; How does visual language inform your interpretaion?
&νβσπ; How has Matreyek used sound with the animation images to create meaning?

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