Animations by Miwa Matreyek - Factory

For the assignment we were given we have to pick a video out of, Factory, Circus and Digitopia. I think that digitopia is the weirdest one and its the longest, I think I might do factory as it is the shortest and it sort of makes sense in my mind. In my mind I think that it is to do with how workers are like sheep and how they seem to have no free will, The artist also took away their mouths and so cannot talk, this takes away free will and freedom of speech. It could be used to describe a political system, as the people in the country are like mindless sheep, doing what they are told (no questions asked). They don't seem to be enjoying themselves and are continuously doing the same movement over and over. The hand in a scene could be used to describe slave labour/manual labour as it is only a hand with no body or mind continuously doing what it is programmed/told to do.

Everything in the scene is black and white which could show that it is meant to be cold and show no emotion. The factory doesn't look that pleasant because in the starting scene there was dirty blackish clouds coming out of the factory indicating it is a very grimy place, The factory is also very cluttered never having an open space always there is something. This may be because the owner of the factory wouldn't want there to be a blank area so the workers would ponder what they are doing causing them to think and have freewill, so instead the factory is busy causing the workers to continuely be moving and working.

This is just a brief statement.

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