Bruce Bickford

Now I know that this is a little late... well a lot late but you know what they say... 'better late than never'

Amazingly there are two Bruce Bickfords (there's probably more - but these two are the famous ones) The Athlete Bruce Bickford and the animator Bruce Bickford. I wasn't really sure which one to do but i was thinking "hmm... I'm in creative media and we're doing animations... So maybe I should do Bruce Bickford the animator... No, I'm going to do the athlete... He looks cooler!"
Joking.... Anyway I'm sure you are all really, really anxious to read about Bruce Bickford(The animator)...
He basically started working with clay animation during 1964, he has been working on them since then... He is mainly know for his surreal works and view on the world around him. He has learnt to use the clay to its full potential often merging human faces to odd beasts. He's not the most known animator but he is still very well known (He's got a wikipedia page). His works are very different as can be seen below by the excerpt off Bruce's short film 'PROMETHEUS'

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