Troubles - Soundtrack

For the soundtrack it was decided between me and Emma that Emma would do the music and I would do the voices, however a couple of problems arose which allowed this to not be possible. The first one was that we had the songs but they were on our ipods and not on the computers, after about 15 minutes of trying to get them off itunes for free I just gave up and bought them again... The next problem was with me, I had started recording the voices however for some strange reason it didn't save so I closed it thinking it had saved. Our next lesson I realised it didn't save so I had to do it all over again. At this stage Emma was around 2:20 minutes in the film. I had finally finished and had learnt of Mr Andrew how to transfer the voices soundtrack back into the film. After I was pleased with the timing I listened to Emma's music soundtrack... I really wasn't happy with it, I know this sounds very bad but the song didn't flow and it didn't go with the story, I thought that maybe if it didn't flow it could still go with the story and be okay, but this didn't even go... So I just deleted what she had spent 2 whole lessons doing - that's 2 hours we are talking about - and did a simple music soundtrack that was John Lennon's 'Imagine' for most of the film until it stopped then I finished with Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way'. This at least flowed and by some miracle the transition between the two songs occur when the evil guy comes down and starts turning white. After I had deleted her soundtrack I felt really guilty and mean but I thought if it gets me and her an 'A' then its okay. 

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