
Okay, so for the assignment for media we have to create an epub.... An electronic book which can go on any book reader. We have to put our film on it that we spent the past 2 terms filming. So far I'm on the last chapter of the book... Chapter nine but I still have to do the directors commentary and record my voice for the chapters, so it reads to you.... thats what I'm hoping at least.... fingers crossed.

Also Mr Andrew said I have to make a new cover for the book, because mine at the moment isn't good enough... It's not like I spent a whole lesson doing it or anything... And because my chapters are too long, I have to put pictures as well as videos in them. Isn't that unfair, I do more work than everyone else, and he tells me I have to do even more work... Oh well.

I have made a demo ebook and put it on my Ipad, it works which is good to see, but the formatting needs a bit of work. Also I was disappointed to see that titles don't show up on it. Which means that if I want the titles, I'll have to put them in individually.

Everyone in my class asks what why we have to create epub's, and not just pdf's, turns out that because with epubs the user can format it, they can change the font and colour and size, to suit their need. If they had a disorder they could still use it, compared to pdfs, which you cannot change.

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Free Time

I just created this for fun using photoshop and Gickr.com

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Assignment for Digitopia

Out of three animations by Miwa Matreyek, 'The circus, The factory and Digitopia'; the animation digitopia is the one chosen. It contains a lot of different factors and scenes, each portraying something different, but when it is put together it represents something as a whole. It is something, something unique; the way Miwa has created the animation conveys a special message, each person interprets it differently, but that is the way art should be.

Miwa Matreyek created the animation Digitopia in 2005. The animation mainly focuses on hands and eyes, but objects such as mountains, people and the head of a person are also included. It also contains cities, hands with sticks in them and technology such as microwaves, stereos, and computers. Hands with Palmistry and acupuncture points, as well as teeth, crowns and a science kit containing a microscope, DNA, a needle, the circulatory system and some test tubes are also included in the animation. When the animation was first seen, the viewer doesn’t understand what is going on, this is because there is a lot going on in each scene the viewer cannot absorb that much information at once. The main colours in the animation are black, white and blue; the black and white colours are usually the objects that are moving while the light blue is used for the sky. The time of day cannot be determined by the animation, as for all of the outdoor scenes the sky is always a light blue, signalling that it is always day. The overall mood of the animation gives the viewer the first time they watch it a creepy feeling as they don’t fully understand the animation, and what it is suggesting.

The black and white colours could be used as a metaphor, ‘everything is black and white,’ this can be seen as suggesting that the animation is black and white, that what you see is what there is. The blue of the sky then could be the grey area, so to the audience that view this animation on a shallower level it would be that everything is black and white; however, to the audience that view this on a deeper level can see that the blue represents the grey area. The colour blue can also represent hope and peace; however, it can also convey sadness and sorrow. By using the colour blue, the animator produces many different meanings. The artist was making a statement in her work, she was suggesting that not everything is always how it first seems. To the viewer the animation can be seen as representing something that is not Utopia, that Miwa has used the song in a sarcastic way, as everything in that world is more of a dystopia. The eye in the first scene shows that whatever you do someone is always watching, the data collected by the eye in the first scene is submitted into the brain of the person in the second scene. The person then transmits the signals to the hands, which transmits the signals to other hands in the city. Everything is black and white, showing that it is quite a boring place. The next scene, you see people in hands, this shows that they are like troops, continuously moving around and making sure everyone is doing the right thing. The person in the next scene has her arm changing into a sort of screw, representing that not everything is always as it seems, as people can change. The overall animation relates to everyone’s life as it is suggesting that not everything is as it seems, and what may seem in the beginning perfect, is often not the case. The hand with the palmistry and acupuncture points suggest that the hands are alive. The animator chose this type of animation, as it allows her to involve many different techniques and have lots of things going in one scene.

The work as a whole uses clever animation skills and conveys an important message to society. It has a lot of meaning and conveys numerous ideas. Although all the scenes together create a beautiful animation, feelings about it differ from person to person. As the animation contains many ideas, it is a very controversial piece of work.

Here is the video for digitopia by Miwa Matreyek:

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Appraising Animation - assignment

TASK : Watch excerpts from the work of Miwa Matreyek, Multimedia Artist.
Take notes on your blog and then write a 600 word appraisal of one of Matreyek's works.

Appraisal = Describe what you see and hear, Analyse the Media Language and Interpret the Meaning
Use correct sentence structure, grammar, spelling, referencing and bibliography.

1. Watch these sequences and select one to anaylse and interpret
&νβσπ; Digitropia http://vimeo.com/5906461
&νβσπ; Circus http://vimeo.com/6714468
&νβσπ; Factory http://vimeo.com/5905934
Embed your chosen piece into your blog
2. Focus Questions ~ answer these on your blog
&νβσπ; Identify the imagery by listing what you see eg the subject matter; objects, shapes etc
&νβσπ; What is your overall impression of the mood of the work
&νβσπ; Watch and Listen for visual language cues, sound cues and editting
3. Anaylsis - see
&νβσπ; Notice the visual language used by Matreyek's eg colour, line, the quality of the movement, shapes, use of scale etc - list what you identify - help site:   HERE  and for specific film language: MISE-EN-SCENE
&νβσπ; Notice the sounds - list these identifying their type and quality
4. Interpretation
&νβσπ; What is your interpretation of the work?
&νβσπ; Survey friends and family ~ what do they think the work is about?
&νβσπ; Who do you think is the intended audience for Matreyek's work?
&νβσπ; How does visual language inform your interpretaion?
&νβσπ; How has Matreyek used sound with the animation images to create meaning?

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Homework - 1 minute of Digitopia

Shot 1
I think that this might represent a type a god, and as there is an eye that is continuely looking I believe that is meant to represent how he/she/it is the see-er of all. How it can see all. The light around it represents how it is a symbol of light (almost like a halo). The 6 arms on it could represent the goddess Shiva which is sometimes portrayed with 6 arms.

Shot 2
I think this is maybe representing the earth awaking, as it has its eyes closed and no thoughts then its brain sort of turns on and sends out waves. This could represent mother earth sending out her wishes and dreams for others to follow and abide. The brain to me has a picture of a butterfly which could represent freedom, and show that in this utopia there is freedom.

Shot 3
When I first saw this I thought they looked like worms trying to get at food. As I saw it once again I realised that they could be like satellites receiving data and transmitting it for everyone to see.

Shot 4
I didn't really understand this shot, maybe they could be barriers trying to keep bits of the city apart because they are all connected?

Shot 5
I think the hand was a way of transport, or maybe it is a house that they live in, it just happens to be portable?

Shot 6
I think that the hands were trying to build something and the person was directing them. I don't think that the person was a 'person' though because her hand changed into a screw so maybe she is a machine.

Shot 7
The hands reminded me of flowers that follow the sun when they bloom; but it could represent something else such as sleeping bodies but when the sun rises they get up too?

Shot 8
These hands were showing a reading of the hands and how pushing certain points in the hand helps the organs.

Sorry that for each shot they are getting shorter, its getting a bit late at night :)

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Animations by Miwa Matreyek - Factory

For the assignment we were given we have to pick a video out of, Factory, Circus and Digitopia. I think that digitopia is the weirdest one and its the longest, I think I might do factory as it is the shortest and it sort of makes sense in my mind. In my mind I think that it is to do with how workers are like sheep and how they seem to have no free will, The artist also took away their mouths and so cannot talk, this takes away free will and freedom of speech. It could be used to describe a political system, as the people in the country are like mindless sheep, doing what they are told (no questions asked). They don't seem to be enjoying themselves and are continuously doing the same movement over and over. The hand in a scene could be used to describe slave labour/manual labour as it is only a hand with no body or mind continuously doing what it is programmed/told to do.

Everything in the scene is black and white which could show that it is meant to be cold and show no emotion. The factory doesn't look that pleasant because in the starting scene there was dirty blackish clouds coming out of the factory indicating it is a very grimy place, The factory is also very cluttered never having an open space always there is something. This may be because the owner of the factory wouldn't want there to be a blank area so the workers would ponder what they are doing causing them to think and have freewill, so instead the factory is busy causing the workers to continuely be moving and working.

This is just a brief statement.

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Bruce Bickford

Now I know that this is a little late... well a lot late but you know what they say... 'better late than never'

Amazingly there are two Bruce Bickfords (there's probably more - but these two are the famous ones) The Athlete Bruce Bickford and the animator Bruce Bickford. I wasn't really sure which one to do but i was thinking "hmm... I'm in creative media and we're doing animations... So maybe I should do Bruce Bickford the animator... No, I'm going to do the athlete... He looks cooler!"
Joking.... Anyway I'm sure you are all really, really anxious to read about Bruce Bickford(The animator)...
He basically started working with clay animation during 1964, he has been working on them since then... He is mainly know for his surreal works and view on the world around him. He has learnt to use the clay to its full potential often merging human faces to odd beasts. He's not the most known animator but he is still very well known (He's got a wikipedia page). His works are very different as can be seen below by the excerpt off Bruce's short film 'PROMETHEUS'

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Scenes by Emma

This one goes before she asks her mum if she can go out... See below...
Emma did this scene it is about a protestor who wants colour but the evil guy who looks down upon the world and doesn't want any trouble in his boring village. The evil guy takes the protester away and puts him in jail...

In this clip Alisha goes out and experiences the real world - people move away from her because she is different. The evil guy tries to take her but she struggles and accidentally touches another person on the street. This person starts going white...

This is the last scene and is where the black guy that had a bit of white on him turns fully white and eventually turns colourful. Everyone eventually turns colourful, and they start to dance to Born This Way.

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Once we had the story board and the character profile done I started to build the set, however it was frustrating as I had taken the cardboard boxes home to build and paint the set while Emma was supposed to just print off some pieces of paper... once the weekend was over I came to school thinking yay the set is done all we have to do now is paste the paper on then we can start filming, but I was wrong as Emma hadn't done it. Now I could've gone a found the images and printed them off myself, but Emma just said that she already had the images at home and all she had to do was print them.... Anyway she did bring them in like she said but I was away that day, and so she didn't know what to do, the next day she was away so I tried to find the paper but I couldn't so I started to make the clay characters.
Let me tell you this... It took a very long time to make the characters, and once we had finished we were so happy...

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Scenes I've done

Here are some videos I have uploaded from the film:
This is the first one - I'm pretty sure I have already uploaded this but in case I didn't here it is.
Also I would like to mentioned I was the one who filmed this scene.
The clip is basically just a introductory it just 'sets the scene'.

This clip is a basic one and just shows Alisha growing up - it was done using my awesome photoshop skills...haha NOT!
I did this scene...obviously

In this scene Alisha asks her mum if she can go out... Her mum says no of course.
I also did this scene

This scene is just a copy basically of the one above...
And this one too...

This clip is the one where Alisha (The white girl) wants to go outside her bedroom but her mum doesn't let her for fear that she would be taunted and taken away... Also she doesn't want her own and her families reputation being tarnished.
And I did this one too..

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Here are the transfers - they took about an hour each to do:

I've just realised that they are tinted.

But these one aren't... hopefully:

And they take about an hour each to upload...*Pulls out hair*

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Post Production

Creative Media Animation Project – Term 03 2011
Mr Andrews

Post Production reflection/evaluation:

Respond to each of the following dot points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.

·         Discuss whether your final animation clearly reflects your original concept and planning and describe any elements you had to modify when creating the project;
Yes, I believe that the film, especially at the end, clearly displays the message I was trying to show... That its okay to be different. It also reflects on a shallower level the original idea of a colourful person with personality making its way through the world, changing the way people look and perceive things. 
·         Explain how your animation skills developed during the project (i.e did you become more efficient?; did the quality of your animation improve?; did you have to use a variety of techniques? etc);
My animation skills at the beginning were very poor and it did take a long time to film and capture the scenes, I had quite a lot of difficulty at the beginning trying to make the characters walk without a limp or as Emma puts it 'Swagger'. By the end of the animation I was capturing a lot quicker and the movement was a lot less dodgy, (this is actually hard to tell as I may, or may not have filmed the scenes in a random order :P). I did use a variety of techniques, such as just using the standard stop motion, I also used photoshop for the stars transfer thingy, which took a looong time because I had to save each layer individually - I probably could have used some special technique that did the saving thing automatically... but it such a thing exists I have yet to see it.
·         Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the animation process. These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, difficulty using the editing software etc;
As mentioned in previous posts I did have a bit of trouble with not saving the soundtrack and having missing storyboards, but what I have not mentioned was that some files were corrupt and could not be opened which caused me to have to restart that particular scene, thankfully I did not do the silly mistake of saving everything in one file because if that was the case I would have been doomed and would have failed this assignment. For programs such as Garage Band I didn't know how to use them at the start with efficiency and know some advanced techniques but as I played around a bit I began to know it quite well, I now know how to change the audio levels for a particular track for a certain amount of time. After a bit of tinkering I found out how to do that on IMovie as well.
·         Explain whether you made effective use of storyboards and planning to streamline the animation process;
The storyboards were good for the basic idea but after a while you learn to take that basic idea and turn it into a complex idea without changing it, you also learn that you can't just stick to what the script says because there will be certain obstacles blocking the path sometimes and you have to change the storyline slightly to accommodate the unexpected obstacles.
·         Describe any time-management issues you had during the project and describe the steps you used to improve in this area;
For several stages of producing the film it took quite a lot of unexpected time, in order to finish everything on time I had to take the sets home and build them over the weekend, as well as film with them over the weekend. We hadn't realised the time it would take to create the characters so when we had free lessons we just worked on the set and building the characters. By the end of it I could build a character in my hands without even looking down. :P
·         Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like a whole term worth of work);
I think that the work on my blog doesn't look like 1 term of work... BUT that is because I haven't uploaded all of the animations but I will now, also stopmotion animation doesn't look hard and when you watch it, it is over quickly but when you actually film it you realise that it takes a lot of time. At the beginning of the term when I had just started the animation I usually got around 5 seconds per hour... Sometimes not even that....

Discuss your feelings about the production task:
·         Are you satisfied with the final result?
I am very pleased with the final result as it is pretty polished and it displays a clear message.
·         Did the animation process require more/less time than you had thought?
Filming that animation took a lot more time than I expected and it was certainly to a different standard than I thought it would be, I guess growing up with Disney films was bad afterall. Not just the filming took a lot of time but the polishing and building the sets also took up a lot more time than I thought it would.
·         Would like to change any aspects of your final project (style, soundtrack etc)?
If I had more time I would probably polish the soundtrack a bit more and I would have double checked the subtitles to make sure it was all the same.
·         If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
When I answered this question before I said I would not have a partner but I know regret posting that because although the previous statements I had made with that comment are still valid, having a partner was good because we got everything done on time and we did it all at double efficiency. 

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Test Animation - sort of

I had taken a laptop over the weekend and was stuck at an eisteddfod where I had to wait 5 hours before I could perform and I had this laptop but I couldn't do any work before I got home so I started playing around with IStopMotion. Here's the little clip that I produced...
Before you all watch this and be like oh that was nothing I would like you to realise how hard it is to roll a coin using stop motion. Grab a coin from your purse/wallet and try rolling it, pretty hard to do right? Now grab your phone and take pictures really quickly so just by looking at the pictures gives it a sense of the coin rolling. Anyway you all should get my point that bit was very hard to do. Also that bit when it looks like my hand is struggling to pull the zipper of the purse - I wasn't actually I just wanted to add a bit of realism... Okay you caught me I was struggling... BUT in my defence that zipper was a VERY HARD zipper to open.

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Troubles - Soundtrack

For the soundtrack it was decided between me and Emma that Emma would do the music and I would do the voices, however a couple of problems arose which allowed this to not be possible. The first one was that we had the songs but they were on our ipods and not on the computers, after about 15 minutes of trying to get them off itunes for free I just gave up and bought them again... The next problem was with me, I had started recording the voices however for some strange reason it didn't save so I closed it thinking it had saved. Our next lesson I realised it didn't save so I had to do it all over again. At this stage Emma was around 2:20 minutes in the film. I had finally finished and had learnt of Mr Andrew how to transfer the voices soundtrack back into the film. After I was pleased with the timing I listened to Emma's music soundtrack... I really wasn't happy with it, I know this sounds very bad but the song didn't flow and it didn't go with the story, I thought that maybe if it didn't flow it could still go with the story and be okay, but this didn't even go... So I just deleted what she had spent 2 whole lessons doing - that's 2 hours we are talking about - and did a simple music soundtrack that was John Lennon's 'Imagine' for most of the film until it stopped then I finished with Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way'. This at least flowed and by some miracle the transition between the two songs occur when the evil guy comes down and starts turning white. After I had deleted her soundtrack I felt really guilty and mean but I thought if it gets me and her an 'A' then its okay. 

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The finished Film - A Sky Full Of Grey

The film is finally finished, with the soundtrack and everything YES!
Here it is:
I'm actually really happy with it, there is a small problem with the subtitles however, an example is the last sentence, I had written 'Oh Well, we are all different its ok to be different... 'or something like that but it turned out to be 'All Well, we are all different...' In case you didn't notice it said All instead of Oh, because of spell check... Stupid Macs :)
Another problem with the subtitle is that the font in one section is a lot larger than the rest of the movie, I had not realised until I had exported and converted the film so it was too late. 

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Story Boards - uploaded

Here are the story boards in order, Some are darker than others because I had drawn them in pencil and had to change the lighting to make it visible.

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Story Boards - complete

YES! I've now fully finished the storyboards... for the 2nd time... and it only took me 4 hours YAY!

I will upload the 3 original storyboards and the new ones... so you can compare.

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Story Boards

I was going to post some pictures of the storyboards however, when I tried to find them in the classroom all except three were missing. Because the storyboards are a required part of the assignment I am going to spend all of today rewriting them. Based on the completed film and the quick storyboard I had made in the beginning.

Here is the basic storyboard:

Story Board

Land is very boring(i.e. grey)
All people grey

Baby is born  - (really colourful – red, orange)

Everyone is disgusted and surprised

Baby gets locked in house and grows up being told it can’t go out in public

At the same time…
Men watch city to make sure no one disrupts

Baby Grows into child.

Areta fights with parents.
Protester protests – Evil man takes protesters away.

Teenager constantly talking to parents wanting to go out.
Parents say no every time because girl is too different.

Girl sneaks out into world.

Everyone one she sees looks at her with disgust or surprise.

In a busy crowded street everyone parts way for her.

Evil Man takes her away.

She puts up a struggle and by accident touches everyone around her.

Huge epidemic spreads people think its some sort of disease until they turn fully colourful.

Everyone turns colourful in all colours of the rainbow.

Colourful people in magic world break into song and dance for the song born this way.

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Finished filming

Finally we've finished filming.
Now have to work on soundtrack...Yah!
I know I haven't uploaded much so I will try to show you wat I have been doing for the past 3 months.

In the first week and a bit we had to come up with a concept... I had recently seen this short animation clip about strange things in a dull grey world that everyone ignores. The message being (I think) to stop what your doing every once in a while and look around you, you'll see things that weren't there before, because time moves quickly and if you don't stop every once in a while, it'll all be over very quickly.
Anyway I thought it looked quite good and so I had a similar idea of using the grey, dull world and adding colour to it. Although the message is very different. I thought it could be a story of a girl who's yellow when everyone else is grey. She is different in every sense, she has imagination and creativity, whereas everyone else is boring and dull. Her mother won't let her out of the house for the fear of ruining her reputation. She runs away but encounters the 'king' of the city.(not really but similar) Who then takes her away, She puts up a fight and in doing so accidentally touches a passerby who turns colourful. In the end an 'epidemic' spreads turning everyone colourful and causing them to have free will.
I showed Mr Andrew this but he said it would be to complicated to do by myself so I paired up with Emma.

In the next couple of weeks I started to storyboard the plot while Emma did character personality.
It took a while but finally we got there....

The films uploaded so I will upload this then start a new post...

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Scenes 1-2

These are the first two scenes, I filmed both of them. You can tell where they separate because there is a big black gap. The first scene is basically an intro, it is about how a miracle is about to affect the town and how the town is ruled by one man and how he is always watching making sure no-one disturbs the town. The second scene is set is a hospital, when a lady has a child... pretty normal right? Except that they live in a world of grey where everything is grey. And this child is creamy.
The mother looks at the child and faints.

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Progress so far...

Respond to each of the following points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.

  1. Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the planning.
    We lost the storyboard and so had to work on our planning that we had previously. We have thankfully found the storyboard again and now have kept it in the classroom. Another difficulty was that we are working in a pair and so sometimes had difficulty understanding what the other person was trying to describe.
  2. List the steps you took (or need to take) to improve in this area;
    We need to have more than one copy of everything, and we should try and communicate our ideas clearer.
  3. Discuss whether you planned your project effectively (did you do enough planning);
    I think we did quite a lot of planning but we could have done more, I think I will go back and change it because we have changed the story a bit.
  4. Discuss how the use of storyboards and shot-lists assisted throughout the filming process;
    The short lists helped us know what props we had to have for the scene. The storyboards helped us split up and do the scenes individually.
  5. Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the filming process. These may include; time-management and organisation problems, damage to your sets/props/characters, misjudging the amount of time required to animate.
    We had completely misjudged the time needed to build the sets and make the characters. Also unfortunately as the sets and characters were left in a classroom open to anyone it has been damaged and touched even when a sign is put up. We then had to spend time to make the characters again. Another problem was that when we didn't finish a scene in a lesson the camera would move and we wouldn't get it back in the right position when we try filming again.
  6. After reviewing progress so far, describe any aspects of your animation, which need to be addressed. i.e do you need to reshoot any scenes; are any additional shots required; are there any scenes which worked better than expected.
    We will need to reshoot a couple of scenes to make them smoother, we also need to take a couple more shots to make them longer so the audio fits with it.
Discuss your feelings about the production task:
  1. Are you satisfied with your result so far?
    Yes, I think we are working quite efficiently however we need to finish the scenes quickly so we have enough time to edit them.
  2. Would like to change any aspects of your film?
    Yes, maybe some of the scenes could have been shot with a smoother steadier hand.
  3. If you could start the project again what would you do differently
    I think instead of being in partners I would do it by myself, as then I would know exactly what I need to do and I would (hopefully) get it done in time. Not that working with Emma wasn't great or anything.
  4. List any skills, techniques or tricks you have discovered during the project.
    I have discovered that we should stick the scene we are filming to the desk so when we are moving the characters the actual scene wouldn't move.

Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like 8 weeks worth of work).

I don't think the information on my blog is enough for eight weeks but that is probably because animating takes a lot longer than I thought it would, I am now going to go back and add some pics and videos.

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Test Run week 3

Finally got it working... thank the lord!

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Photos for the making of the set

These are just some photos that I took while painting and making the set. Some before I painted and made them and some once its finished. These pics now have captions and the ones that don't... I'm sure you'll figure them out. :)

This is the building set before it was painted.

The table/bed/cot before it was painted but while the sticky tape is holding it together.

Here's a painted building.

Here's the painting of a building.

The making and painting of the table/bed/cot.

The not-yet-painted room :)

The painted room.

Accidentally ripped the door when cutting... oh well :)

Open, Close, Open, Close...

The door, finally working.

The painted buildings

Painting the set.

The painted set... finally

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Photos of making design

Here is the semi evil, semi good guy:

I will upload more once my camera connects.

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In media at the moment we are creating a short film using any type of animation. Emma and I, have decided to work in pairs. The start of the film is when an abnormal child is born into a world where everything is rather grey and boring.

I'll upload some pics of the character soon.

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What was your initial reaction or major feeling to this animation?
When I first saw this music video I was surprised as music videos generally don't that much animation in them, and when they do it is less obvious.

What style has been used in this animation?
This clip had used the style of stop-motion animation.

Has the director used the elements and principles of design to create mood that effectively relates to the tone of the music? How?
Yes, the director has used elements that go with the music, as when it says heart a picture of a heart appears. The images not only fit the lyrics of the song but they also fit thereat of the music which draws viewers in.

List five moments that grabbed your attention:
-where the it went black with neon colours flowing through.
-when he was singing about the heart and it grew larger, then shrank smaller with the beat.
-when to the beat of the music the drum kit appeared and disappeared.

I couldn't find the link to the video so I just decided to post another cold play video up so here is Cold Play - Strawberry Swing

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Cubex is a little stop animation me and Emma made.
I think this is very cute.

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More definitions - yipee



Key frames are important frames which show one action then the next.
Keyframes don't show the movement to get to one action to the next.
In big productions where traditional animation is used the main animator and his team will do each key frame so they work fast and get the production finished as soon as possible.

Tween are in between keyframes showing how a character or object got from one position to the other.
They are the movement frames.
Productions will often have a team just to do the tween frames.

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Bouncing ball and cool walking man

here is the bouncing ball that we did last lesson.

Here is the walking man that we did this lesson however Mr Andrew commented that there is no shadow so I have decided that it isn't a man but a walking colourful ghost.

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Today Mr Andrew taught us about several different animations, tradigital, cut-out, clay and stop motion.

Tradigital Animation 

- This is the animation that is drawn by hand or by computer.
- It is the animation where you flip the pages very quickly, creating the illusion of movement.
- The faster you flip the pages the more fluent the movement becomes.

An example of tradigital animation:

An even more well known example is Disney productions 'Snow White'.
The makings of Snow White can be seen in this film.
The actual film.

Cut-out Animation

- This is animation which usually involves a background and moving parts.
- It is where a object moves while everything else is often still.
- The smaller the movement you make the more fluent it will become.

An example of Cut-out animation:

Another example of Cut-out animation is Southpark (the earliest episodes)
Here's a little clip from Southpark:

Clay Animation

- This is an animation which uses clay and usually stop-motion.
- For a small 30 second animation producers usually need several of the same main characters because after awhile features of it look worn out and twisted unlike the original character, so they need backups which they can just slip in and replace.
- Again the smaller the movement that occurs the smoother it will look.

An example of Clay Animation:

A well known example of clay animation are the Wallace and Gromet films.
Here's an excerpt:

Stop Animation

- This animation is made by taking lots of pictures and putting them together to create the illusion of movement.
- Stop animation is the most common and easiest form of animation and just about every other type of animation uses it.
- The more images captured will make the movement more fluent and less jerky.

A couple of examples of stop motion:

Coraline is a movie made of stop animation.
Here's an excerpt:

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