Now that my avatar is finished I feel like working on it again but in a full body photo.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Character Profile

Character Profile Worksheet
Basic Information/Statistics

Name: Laylia Basdet
Age: 7 Takalaka years, 21 earth years
Current Residence: the world of Bilio
Occupation: part time job as a judge, a prophet in a well known Tiabyeymunch (Tia-by-ee-munk)
Talents/Skills: double sided personality.
Can fly
                                                  Has no sense of time; can time travel

Physical Characteristics:

Height: 2m
    Weight: light- 30kg earth 10kg takalaka
Race: Takalaka
    Skin Colour: black/ pale white
Eye Colour: blue/ red
    Glasses/Contact Lenses: perfect vision
Hair Colour: blonde/ red
    Facial Shape: angular
Distinguishing Features: red eye-devil, crazy look both
Style (Elegant, shabby etc): Elegant/grumy
Dress/Clothing: tight fiting
Mannerisms: polite/rude
Hobbies: Judges in a court like area.
Favourite Sayings: to be the devil, is to be the angel, to be the angel is to be god
Speech Patterns: Airy/riddle-angel, Straight to the point/shouting-devil

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths: Knowledge, persuasion and quick thinking – usually in exsebia form.
Weaknesses: anger, airy (stereotypical blonde) and no sense of right and wrong.
What motivates this character? Thinking that she’s the perfect creation and has to live up to those standards
What frightens this character? Knowing that species will move on, that they will have found a new ideal creation. That people find her judging skills wrong. Someone finding out she is part Exsebia
What makes this character happy? Knowing that she is the ideal creation for any race.
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert

What is this Character’s Goal? Keep being the ideal creation

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: It wishes to be a judge but is often not chosen as she has no sense of right and wrong. Has read every single book written and to be written.
Character's short-term goals in life: Make herself well known in just about every planet in the world.
How does Character see himself/herself? She sees herself above others
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? Like the perfection of their race
How self-confident is the character? Very
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?
Emotion-devil, logic- angel
What would most embarrass this character? Being told, in public that she is a Exsebia (equivalent to a devil)
Best Characteristics: Wit, ability to tell future
Worst Characteristics: Believes too much about herself (stuck-up)
Does the character have any prejudices? Hates Exsebia even though she is one.

Additional Notes on This Character:
She hates being associated to the Exsebia in anyway

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I haven't changed that much, just the angel of the eye but I have decided that both the angel and devil will be crazy  as they are the same creature, although the devil more so because it is not meant to be sane, it is meant to be crazy.

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Avatar - angel

I haven't really done a lot to this part of the avatar because I don't really want it to lose it's humanoid shape and look. What I have done though is add the wolf eyes, which took a lot of time because it was hard to fit it into the shape of the eye. The wolf eye is black not white so I had to remove the black and transfer it with white. Then to emphasis and give the eyes the shape I want, I left The outside of the wolf eye intact. The eyes are the same simply flipped, tilted and shaped so I had to rid the light out of the left eye using the same process as the evil avatars eye. I then moved the light to the left side of the eye.
The eyebrows are also removed on the avatar.

I am working on a different person now but this person will be from legs up so you can see it's body.

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This is basically the same only that the light on the eyes have moved, I did this by colouring in the red and black bit of the eye then adding a white circle on the right side of the eye. I tried it out but it was to strong so I had to change it and make the flow and opacity lower.

I personally think she looked crazier in the other image because of the light but it would be incorrect to have the light on that side, so I had to fix it.

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Avatar - evil/crazy - completed

I changed the background to suit my avatar, but as it was the same colour as her hair I had to dim it down by using the hue and saturation tool.

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Avatar - evil/crazy

Be prepared, she looks crazier than the mad hatter.

Ok I have done quite a bit since my last upload.
I asked my mum how the avatar look and she said it looked to humanoid so I did a bit of tinkering and came up with this. I first made the eyes bigger but it didn't look to good so instead I searched for wolf eyes and came up with these. It was only one in the picture so I duplicated it and used free transform to turn it. I also made the one closed to you bigger so it not only creates depth , it also makes the avatar look crazy. I completed the look by taking the mouth and liquifing it. This was a bit more difficult because I had  to create an invert layer especially for it then merge the two layers together. I then could take it and liquify it.
Look at the image, is something missing?
I took the eyebrows off her face because it was clashing with the eye and didn't look effective.

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This is a negative image that is created by using an invert layer.
I used the magic wand tool to quickly select her hair, I then used hue and saturation to make it a vibrant red. I looked at it and it didn't look right so I also made the eyebrows a red, but not as bright.

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Again I have whitened the image using the tool dodge, I have gotten rid of the black tips at the corner of the image. I have also added a white background which is not noticeable on this. I have also gotten rid of the white cheeks which I had mistakenly put in.

Again here is a negative of the image.

I have now put in a background and fixed up the hair so it doesn't look too weird on this. I have again used the dodge tool to whiten the background and the person. The only reason I am whitening it so much is because I wish for it to be like an angel.

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From my previous blog you can tell that the eyes are bigger and there is a black outline around them. I used the liquify tool to make the eyes bigger then I created a new layer and added the eyeliner using  the brush tool.  This was a bit difficult because I had to use different flows and and opacity depending if it was the bottom of the eye or the top of it. For the bottom of the eye I used less opacity and flow compared to the top of the eye.

My avatar's name is Laylia Basdet, she comes from the planet Takalaka although she is frequently moving to different planets, her current residence is in the planet Bilio. 
She has got double sided personalities, you may think she is innocent but think again. 

Does she look evil now?
This is just a negative of the other one, you can achieve this by creating an invert layer. I will change the mouth and background to make it more evil.

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Model - angel

This is the original image. 

This is the image after I have played around with it. First I used the magic tool to select the hair which I deleted then inverted so the face disappeared. I got rid of the background using a simple mask and then used the dodge tool to whiten it. I did the same with the face and with the eyes I used hue and saturation. 

For my avatar I am creating one that is an angel when it is happy, however when it is angry it turns into the devil. I was thinking about using the face as the angel and then turning it around so its another face except it's devil this time. 

List of what I am going to need for my avatar:
Blonde hair
white/cloudy background
black/red hair
dark skin

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I have decided I do not wish to use Tara's face anymore, instead I will use a model's face as my avatar.
The link for the face is :

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This is hermione all I have done with her is simply used the liquify tool to enlarge her eyes and her lip. I also used the healing brush to hide any blemishes.

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Tara- No blemishes- one blue eye

I used the healing brush tool to get rid of any pimples and wrinkles then used the dodge tool to whiten the teeth. I selected the eye and used the hue and saturation tool to make the eye look blue.

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Tara- original image

I took this picture myself. I am using myself as the avatar and then if I have time left I will do the same for someone else.

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Angelina Jolie - shocked

First I fixed the eyebrows to make them more even and higher, I did this by using the Marquee tool and selecting each eyebrow individually then blending the skin so the eyebrows disappear and the pasted the eyebrows on another layer then used the free transform tool, its quick selection is 'command T' I adjusted the eyebrows so they would look a bit surprised. I then selected the eyes and used the filter liquify, I have had practice making the eyes bigger as I had done this with a lot of previous pictures. 

After I was done with the the upper face  I focused on the lips, I selected the upper lip and the lower lip individually and put them on separate layers,  Then I got both lips and put them on a separate layer. I used the liquify tool and blended the lips together to make what I thought would be the inside of the mouth. I used the free transform tool to make the lips fit the mouth and I also used this tool to make the mouth smaller.

I ate a bad lollipop. It was disgusting.

I then took the picture from below and put it on her, I colorized it using the hue and saturation tool. I then used the liquify to sculpt the lips around the mouth.

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